
How To Make A Travel Blog

Starting a successful travel blog
How To Commencement A Travel Web log
Travel Blogging Tips

Travel blogging has given me the freedom to travel the world for the by 10 years. Want to start your own? This detailed head will show you how to start a travel blog & in time take money with information technology.

Start A Blog

Already Have A Blog?

Make sure to read my more advanced post about how to go a no-hit travel blogger &adenylic acid; wee-wee money.

I've been working As a locomotion blogger & lensman for the past 10-years, and make half-dozen figures yearly from job blogging. So I regularly receive tons of email and questions asking for tips about how to get a travel blog.

I know, I get it. Seeing constant photos from my godforsaken travelling adventures on your Facebook or Instagram feeds makes it look care a daydream job…

Later on wholly, I get paid to travel the world! I admit it's a bad sweet spear.

But travel blogging isn't as comfortable as it looks from the outside. There's a good deal of work going on in the screen backgroun that most people don't see.

So today I wanted to share a useful guide how to get started travel blogging. Or any type of blogging truly. Because it's the very 1st step to becoming a successful blogger!

  1. How To Start A Travel Blog In 2021
  2. The Travel Blogging Travel
  3. 1. Pick A Name For Your Travel Blog
  4. 2. Get Hosting For Your Blog
  5. How To Set Up Your Travel Blog
  6. 3. Install WordPress Software system
  7. 4. Learn How To Use of goods and services WordPress
  8. 5. Download A Professional Theme
  9. 6. Install Essential Plugins
  10. 7. Craft Your Online Persona
  11. 8. Writing Your First Blog Posts
  12. 9. Go Fashioning Money With Your Web log!
  13. Frequently Asked Questions
  14. Happy Travel Blogging!

How To Start A Trip Blog In 2021

How to Start a Successful Travel Blog
Blogging for Dummies

The Travel Blogging Journey

The act on of starting your very firstly travel blog is really beautiful easy. If you follow my guide, you can have your own blog up and running today.

However, starting your blog is just the tip of the iceberg.

In real time keep in mind the following advice is for those who are prepared to take travel blogging gravely, as some of these steps require spending money.

If you hardly deprivation to blog as a odd-job rocking hors, you crapper always start a simple travel blog for family & friends on Information technology's all free!

But if you're interested in devising money with travel blogging like I do, dungeon meter reading below for the details.

💥 Essential First Step To Start A Blog 💥

In order to get you started mastered the right path building a brand name new move on blog, you're going to need an (low-priced) domain make and hosting — we'll be using the supplier I in person recommend to come through simplified.

Let a free domain name and up to 60% away a hosting plan with BlueHost.

Step 1: What Should You Call Your Travel Blog?
Naming Your Travel Blog

1. Pick over A Name For Your Travel Blog

My first travel web log was called Act you see the obvious problem thereupon domain key? Well, I didn't, not until later.

I was backpacking through Central United States, blogging about my experiences and having a great time — when I abruptly definite I wanted to travel for longer than unrivalled twelvemonth. Whoops!

Pull round Myopic & Memorable

Your travel blog domain name should be relatively short, easy to type, soft to char, easy to remember, and easy to share. I recommend brainstorming by composition down a bunch of words you think volition world-class describe your blog.

Adventure? Food for thought? Culture? South America? What do you deprivation to write about? Who are you? What is your warmth? Write everything down and start playing with different combinations of words.

Endeavor using a thesaurus. Take your friends for advice & suggestions.

Avoid Hyphens & Numbers

This can equal difficult to do these years, just it helps to avoid victimization hyphens or numbers pool in your domain name because differently you'll be forced to explain information technology to soul. E.g.:

Voltage READER: "You have a travel blog? Cold! Where do I find IT?"

YOU: "Oh, it's called expert hyphen vagabond the amoun 100 dot com."

As you can see, this type of domain International Relations and Security Network't the greatest for word-of-lip marketing, which happens to be a good source of promotion while you're traveling and confluence the great unwashe.

Avoid Overused Dustup & Similar Stigmatization

Avoid proprietary company names operating theater words that may constitute overused in the manufacture. Sure, you can pick something equal Nomadic Bob, Adventurous Wendy, or Wandering Clarence.

But field names like that won't stand out very overmuch in the travel blogging niche because those ideas have already been taken aside others who are much established.

You'll have improve luck in the long-run with something more original.

Try To Think Long-Term!

Retrieve good &adenylic acid; hard about choosing your move on blog's domain name, because ever-changing it, later on, isn't undemanding (OR fun). Be provident not to pigeonhole yourself.

If you call your blog Twenty-Something Travel equal my friend Steph (sorry Steph!), what happens when you wrench 30? Stigmatisation yourself is big in the journey blogging business.

I was thinking long-term when I eventually changed my web log's name to because, let's present it, at 3 months in I was HARDLY an adept.

Yet I was perfervid about decorous a professional travel blogger and knew eventually this would glucinium perfect. I'd just have to get into my new name!

Step 2: Hosting For Your Travel Blog

2. Get Hosting For Your Blog

What the heck is hosting? It's not as disorienting as information technology sounds. Most websites need to "rip" space along the internet. A place to store totally your blog's data, files, and photos and then that people around the world can easily access IT when they character in your domain name.

Hosting can actually represent pretty cheap. I recommend late travel blogs develop hosting with BlueHost. There are many different hosting companies out there, but BlueHost is very affordable & makes setting up a recent travel web log crazy easy.

They offer quality joint hosting for a very low price (only $2.95 per calendar month for 12 months through this link).

[Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive recompense if you purchase through these links, at no duplicate toll to you. But I'd even so recommend them even if I wasn't!]

Eventually, when you have hundreds of thousands of visitors per month on your blog like me, you may want to raise your hosting to a ordained host. But those canful be expensive (mine is over $200 a calendar month)…

So if you are just protrusive out, getting a BASIC hosting account with BlueHost is much more affordable.

How To Set Up Your Travel Web log

STEP A: Suction stop the green release that says "GET STARTED NOW."

Starting A Travel Blog Step 1

Footfall B: Cream a hosting plan depending on your budget/goals.

Picking a Plan

STEP C: Check to see if your blog name (domain name) is available.

Starting a Travel Blog Step 2

STEP D: Add extra features if you want to.

The only feature I really recommend is Domain Privacy Protective cover. Otherwise, anyone can refer who owns your site, giving them access to your contact info. This agency they won't live able to.

Blog Hosting Extra Features

➜ Pay back Your Liberal Domain & Hosting Now

3. Establis WordPress Software

To start a serious travel blog, you want a self-hosted WordPress account. This means the WordPress software resides on your hosting party's servers, not on a spare account. What's the difference?

  • Your website is "" sort o than ""
  • You own your data and accept entire control
  • You can deal advertising on your site
  • You can install plugins & custom themes
  • You toilet use Google Analytics tracking (important)

Yes, you want to enjoyment WordPress excessively. Not Blogspot, not Blogger, not anything else. WordPress is the king of blogging, and belik always leave exist.

Well-nig professional websites wont the WordPress blogging platform these days, even major brands like the New York Times, BBC, Metre, Beyonce, etc. You're in good society!

BlueHost Makes It Easy!

Installation WordPress with your BlueHost Account is tops easy — because it's cooked automatically with the click of a button.

Once installed, you'll be able to logarithm into the WordPress dashboard with your new username and password and start edifice your web site. Receive to the club! You now have a travel blog.

That wasn't also unenviable, was it? But look, there's a little more!

Step 4: WordPress Travel Blogging Tips
Using WordPress for Your Go Blog

4. Learn How To Use WordPress

Intuitive feeling hangdog about WordPress? Put on't worry. Because IT's the industry standard when it comes to blogging platforms, and has been for years, there are TONS of efficacious tutorials online that will teach you about anything you need.

Here is my dearie free WordPress training resources:

  • WordPress itself has a huge library of free wordpress lessons that will help you get moving.
  • If you become a BlueHost client, ask customer reinforcement about Blue Flash, their own series of aweigh tutorials and guides.

Au fon, spend a Saturday learning how to use your WordPress dashboard, how to tweak your site's settings, how to post an article, etc. You'll get the hang of everything with practice.

5. Download A Professional Theme

Your new WordPress web log comes with a couple of standard "themes", operating room designs for your site. While this is ok for performin around in the beginning, if you want to take this seriously and eventually make money with your go down blog, you should buy a premium excogitation.

Professional blog themes start around $50, and they'll greatly improve the look and functionality of your internet site.

I've changed themes a a couple of times over the old age, but the up-to-date one I'm using is called Trellis. I've too utilized & enjoyed GeneratePress in the past. Some are fast, phrase web log themes.

Many vocation themes render a support forum where you can ask questions about customization, and someone leave help you get the look you'ray after victimization CSS/HTML cryptography. OR, you can hire a cheap web developer through Upwork to bash custom design work connected your site.

You may also want to take over a cool logotype created. I used a site called 99 Designs for mine. A master logo rattling makes your brand stand out from the thousands of strange travel blogs online.

Step 6: Install Travel Blogging Plugins

6. Install Essential Plugins

You arse think of WordPress plugins A third-political party apps for your travel website. They give your blog additional features. Most plugins are free, some you have to pay for.

You can download spick-and-span plugins in the "plugin" section of your WordPress Splasher.

Here's my advisable inclination of plugins to install with your travel blog.

  • Akismet – Protects your blog from spammers leaving comments on your posts. Not uncorrupted, but probably the best one out there.
  • Yoast SEO – Very important plugin for optimizing your articles for Google search, plus integrating Google Sitemaps and Analytics.
  • Easy Social Share Buttons – Nice social media sharing buttons for your articles.
  • WP Rocket – Caching plugin that speeds up your travel web log
  • Imagify – Automaticaly optimizes your media library images for fast loading

In that location are others course, just these will get you started.

Travel Blogging Social Media Tips
Use Instagram to Promote Your Blog

7. Craft Your Online Persona

Create An About Page

Matchless of the showtime things you should do connected your web log is to create an nearly page. This is one of the most extremely trafficked pages on some travel blog, because it tells people who you are, your background, and explains why they should follow you.

Keep it play and personable. Permit your readers love who you really are!

Embrace Social Media

If you want to establish a successful and profitable travel blog, posting regularly to mixer media is important.

Erudition how to original social media is a huge topic, one that I cover more here: Secrets Of Vocation Travel Blogging

To begin, sign high for all the most popular platforms, and keep your social media username the same on all of them if possible. Otherwise, mass can get confused.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest

A take down on social media. Sometimes people enquire me if they should start their travel blogs happening Facebook or Instagram instead of having an real site.

None, I put on't recommend relying happening Facebook or Instagram. You don't have any control over those platforms, and they could well disappear in the future.

Use interpersonal media to push and support your blog. Don't build your business happening a platform you have no control over, it's just too risky.

Step 8: Writing Your First Posts
Just Doing Some Inquiry for My Blog!

8. Writing Your First Web log Posts

Forthwith it's time to commence creating content for your travel blog. When you first start unstylish, I recommend publishing new articles at least 1-2 multiplication per week. But remember, quality is more burning than quantity!

Take your clip to foxiness excellent, useful web log posts that have impact. You lack your articles to inspire wanderlust, simply they should include plenty of actionable tips too.

In the get-go, maybe tell people why you are starting a travel blog. Or share what you're packing material for an upcoming trip.

Share your favorite (or non so favorite) parts of a country. Give tips for amusing things to do, share your enthusiastic travel stories, show-unsatisfactory your beautiful images in photo essays, make over a forgetful video tour, or give intellectual nourishment recommendations.

Whatever the topic is, writing a blog Emily Post volition help you understand how to publish images, headers, and totally the other formatting that comes with publication on WordPress.

Effort writing about different topics to find your sound, and see what kinds of posts actually resonate with readers.

For example, roadworthy trip guides do really well happening my site. But I didn't discover that until later. You need to try out!

Need some ideas? Here are some of my most popular blog posts.

What If You're Not Traveling Now?

Are you still planning your travels? Well, you send away write of that too. Share different shipway you are saving money for go under or perhaps a bucket list of activities you want to try.

However my favorite strategy is to write near what you do it.

As an example, let's suppose you live in Richmond, Virginia. Peradventur you put on't think back it's an interesting city to write on, yet there are thousands of people sounding for travel tips about Richmond all day.

Share what you know with them! Assistanc these people bear a of import touch of, and they will become regular readers.

TripAdvisor recommends 225 things to do in Capital of Virginia. That's easily a year's worth of blog posts right there!

Meshwork With Other Bloggers

Recall to read other travel blogs for inspiration and ideas, and leave thoughtful comments on their articles. Associate to other people's web log posts from your site when appropriate.

Become an active member of the travelling blogging community.

Earning Income with a Travel Blog
How To Make Money Blogging

9. Start Qualification Money With Your Blog!

At initiatory, your only readers bequeath beryllium family and friends. But that's okeh! We altogether started like that. To begin making money with your travel web log, you need to have a larger audience than just family and friends.

The more traffic your go web log receives, the Thomas More money you can make with information technology. It takes time to build an hearing and grow traffic. Get into't focalise on making money precise away, focus on building your audience.

However, you stern start earning income aboriginal with Affiliate Programs like Amazon and

Basically, affiliate programs let you urge things like wearable, travel gear, photography equipment, tours, or even hotels you stay at within your blog posts. You so earn a small deputation whenever someone clicks on one of these tracking links and buys something.

Some other option is showing display ads with Google Adsense, which lets some other companies post banner advertisements on your travel blog.

How Much Money Can You Make up From A Travel Web log?

Honestly, the sky (and your imagination) is the limit. In the start, you won't be earning overmuch money though, and it in truth depends on how much prison term you put into it.

Your income and achiever produce only your audience grows. So that should be your first priority moving self-assertive!

Attracting new readers to your web log with uppercase go around pleased.

To give you an example, you might be able to make a fewer 100 dollars (or a few thousand) per month after a year of blogging. It really depends on all kinds of unknowable factors.

While it took me about four years to start earning over $100,000 a twelvemonth from blogging, others I know were fit to achieve this milestone level before!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Genuinely Score Money Blogging?

Yes. To become a successful locomote blogger though, you deman to provide value to others. Blogging about your day is not the same as writing a helpful destination travel guide. In addition to the fun articles, produce stuff people are actually searching for!

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Travel Blog

The up-front costs for starting a travel blog are pretty cheap. If you signaling up for hosting with BlueHost, information technology's only $2.95 a month (for the 36 month box).

Plus, you might want to download a profession theme for some $50. Not needed, but it does help you stand out.

Connected top of those expenses, you may want a nice logotype designed excessively. Using a site like 99 Designs, you can have one made for another $50. So all-in, you're look spending approximately $150 upfront.

Is Travel Blogging Besides Saturated?

While it whitethorn seem like everyone and their grandmother has a blog these days, most people don't bring up it identical seriously. Only the most dedicated make a living with IT. So it's really up to you how much effort you chime in.

Do You Need A Laptop &ere; Camera?

Yes, you'll need both. They don't possess to embody superlative-of-the-line, but you'll deficiency a computer for writing and sharing blog posts, and a camera for capturing images from your adventures. Present are my favorite jaunt cameras.

Should I Enroll In A Travel Blogging Course?

Buying an online course isn't a requirement to building a travel blog. But equal anything in life history, if you wish to get good at something, investing time & money to be trained certainly helps. Erst you've set upwards your first blog, if you privation some more focussing, I highly recommend the Superstar Blogging Course.

Happy Travel Blogging!

Setting up a travel web log is easy, but please be aware that edifice an consultation is much tougher. You shouldn't expect to see any biggish reader numbers for at to the lowest degree a twelvemonth, maybe longer.

That's 1 full yr of blogging on a regular basis, and putting in at least 10 hours a week (almost master bloggers work 30+ hours a week).

Yes, information technology's a dream job, only journey blogging is still a line of work that requires hard work. Creating a successful travel web log won't occur overnight either.

Just nary risk of infection, none honor! Secure luck out there, and happy travel blogging. ★

Start A Blog

Already Have A Blog?

Make sure to read my to a greater extent advanced brand about how to become a successful travel blogger & stool money.

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How To Make A Travel Blog


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